On Fri, 17 Mar 2017 21:48:02 +0200
Teemu Likonen <tliko...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Reco [2017-03-17 22:05:45+03] wrote:
> > Sure. Deinstall/purge current Tor and privoxy. Install Debian's
> > version of Tor. It should start itself. Point your Firefox to SOCKS5
> > proxy located at localhost port 9050. That all you (ever) need,
> > judging from your timezone.
> >
> > Do not mix HTTP proxy into your setup. You won't gain anything short
> > of complicating your setup.
> In practice the Tor network, especially hidden services, work badly
> without a http proxy. It has been a while since I last tried but I
> always ended up setting up polipo http proxy.

I'm using Tor just right now via SOCK5, and that includes several kinds
of L7 including HTTP. Care to elaborate what exactly should 'work
badly' for me? 


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