On Thursday 23 March 2017 22:54:13 Catherine Gramze wrote:
> > On Mar 23, 2017, at 6:44 PM, Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Thursday 23 March 2017 22:18:53 Catherine Gramze wrote:
> >>>  Mar 23, 2017, at 2:46 PM, Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com wrote:
> >>>
> >>> This is of course incorrect.  But I doubt that I could refute it
> >>> without appearing aggressive again. :-(
> >>
> >> What part of what I said is incorrect?
> >
> > Practically all of it.
> If any part of it was actually incorrect, you could and would have pointed
> it out.
> You just disagree with my opinion, on the basis of what *you* want Debian
> to be, as opposed to the stated principles of Debian. 

The stated principles of Debian?  "Debian will remain 100% free.  We provide 
the guidelines that we use to determine if a work is free in the document 
entitled The Debian Free Software Guidelines. *****We promise that the Debian 
system and all its components will be free according to these 
guidelines.*****"  (my stars)


Anyone who reads this knows that the net-install disc cannot include non-free 
firmware and that there could be a problem with connecting to the net.

> You are perfectly
> free to disagree, but do not make a false claim that what I say is
> incorrect when it is not. 

I am not making a false claim.  What you said about me and about what I think 
and believe is incorrect in practically every detail.   Stop maligning me and 
then insisting that you know better than I do what I believe.

As for my being free to disagree, then let me disagree and leave me alone now.


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