Op 27-03-17 om 01:23 schreef Mark Fletcher:
On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 08:51:55PM +0200, Sven Hartge wrote:
Frank <zuiderd...@gmx.com> wrote:

The hash sum mismatch is usually a passing issue: updating while the
repository/mirror itself is in the process of updating. If it keeps
showing up, that mirror is probably borked. Try deb.debian.org instead
of http.debian.net.

deb.debian.org, http.debian.net and httpredir.debian.org are the same.
The old service behind http.debian.net and httpredir.debian.org were
switched off in February and the hostnames now point to the same system
backing deb.debian.org

This has been going on for weeks now, I have been hoping in vain that
the issue would clear itself, as Frank suggested, before I posted here.
It doesn't look like it is going to. So, are we saying that
deb.debian.org, http.debian.net and httpredir.debian.org, being the
same, are all "borked"? Doesn't feel right, more people would be up on
their hind legs yelling for footnotes if so, no?

Apparently the mirror that comes up is bad. Kind of disappointing the deb.debian.org mechanism doesn't seem to work much better than the httpredir. I used to use that until I noticed it wasn't always up to the task, so I switched to ftp.nl.debian.org, which just works. For you, ftp.jp.debian.org probably will as well.

The fix for the key ID issue looks straightforward though, thanks Frank
and others for that. I'll try out this
download-and-put-in-the-right-place approach, that's new to me. Should I
make efforts to remove the old key Google were previously using?

No need. That one is still in the key file you are going to download. To be honest, I suggested what I did because those are a simple one-liners and they work. I use /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d myself, but my system is on stretch and I wasn't sure about jessie.


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