
On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 12:16:25PM +0000, David Griffith wrote:
> Why is libjasper missing from Stretch?
> According to https://bugs.debian.org/812630 the stated reason for its
> removal is that libjasper has not been updated for ten years.

No, actual reason for the removal was that the only package's maintainer
stepped down. Quote:

Due to lack of time, I'm looking for a new maintainer for this package.

> In this same
> bug report is a note that this assertion is not true and a link was provided
> to a Github repository.

On January 25th maintainer stepped down. On October 25th (i.e. more than
half-year later) someone noticed that upstream was back to life.
The fact that the second assertion (i.e. 'dead upstream') was
invalidated did not do anything to first (i.e. 'package unmaintained').

> Nonetheless, the bug report was closed without
> further explanation.

The explanation was provided, in fact:

------------------- Reason -------------------
RoQA; dead upstrem, replaced by openjpeg


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