Mark Fletcher <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 09:51:18AM +0200, Sven Hartge wrote:
>> Mark Fletcher <> wrote:
>>> Possibly stupid question -- this is Jessie, does this mechanism of
>>> dropping the files in trusted.gpg.d work properly in Jessie or is it
>>> new?
>> It works properly. I have several hundred servers as proof.
> Care to hazard any guesses why it *isn't* working in this case, then?
> Any other logs or config I should be looking at? Anything else I might
> have that might be overriding correct stuff with wrong stuff?

Looking at my notes: The key ID in questions refers to a subkey. apt
seems to not use them when present in files in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
But Googles Release file is signed by multiple keys, so this message
should be benign.


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