Daniel Bareiro:
> Next week I'll take the notebook to the supplier for the test with a new
> battery. They offered doing tests with a new battery for an entire day.
> I think I'm going to suggest them to use a liveCD as System Rescue CD or
> something like that, since the disk is encrypted. Although I'm not sure
> if they will feel comfortable using GNU/Linux (and I don't know if there
> is liveCD's with Windows).

There is the installation disk that would boot up, I haven't tried this
madness of installing windows on a thumbstick, I have managed to install
full systems on them.

If your hd needs to be encrypted I wouldn't trust it on anyone and walk
away from it.  Eventually if it is copied out it may get decrypted given
sufficient time and resources.  It is pretty simple to take a HD out and
a service dept. know how to deal with a laptop without a hd.
So don't hand them out your data if you don't care to share them.

> Kind regards,
> Daniel

Simple electrical tests, like voltage measured on contacts can tell you
whether the battery holds charge and whether the charge circuit goes on
or not.  In 90% of the time it is a failing battery.

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