On Wednesday 05 April 2017 21:26:16 Erwan David wrote:
> Le 04/05/17 à 21:59, Tom Dial a écrit :
> > On 04/05/2017 10:22 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> >> On Wednesday 05 April 2017 15:46:53 Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> >>> On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 10:26:18PM +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> >>>> I am going to have a go at getting unattended-upgrades to work
> >>>> sometime in the next few days, I will post back what my results, even
> >>>> if the only thing that results is sympathy for your situation and a
> >>>> "me-too!"
> >>>
> >>> I have a working unattended-upgrades setup, I will try and remember
> >>> what I had to do.
> >>
> >> Thank you!
> >>
> >> Lisi
> >
> > I know I am quite late to the party, but has
> >
> > https://wiki.debian.org/UnattendedUpgrades
> >
> > been offered as a possible answer? I have used it as a guide for
> > unattended-upgrades setup on a sizable handful of systems, and with
> > uniform success. As I recall it, install defaults apply only security
> > upgrades, and of course require that /etc/apt/sources.list include the
> > version appropriate reference to security.debian.org -
> >
> > deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free
> >
> > for example.
> >
> > Tom Dial
> > td...@acm.org
> If I recall correctly unattended-upgrades needs to be reconfigured
> (through dpkg-reconfigure) for applying upgrades.

That has also been said!


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