Le nonidi 19 germinal, an CCXXV, Martin Read a écrit :
> If a systemd unit for a particular service needs the attention of an expert
> in order to be robust, the SysV-style RC script for the same service
> probably also needs the attention of an expert in order to be robust.
> As such, I find your suggestion that declarative configuration causes
> 'stronger separation between "priests" and "mortals"' more than a little bit
> questionable.

I think Tomás is perfectly aware of that, and quoted that argument from
systemd opponents without making it his own.

But you raise an interesting point. The people who invoke that argument
do not realize that they are already experts, "priests", of the shell
scripting language.

I think that explains some of the most vocal systemd opposition: systemd
aims to get rid of the scoriae of the past, but since it is IMHO
somewhat over-engineered, it has a learning curve that is rather steep
at the beginning. People who painstakingly learned the specifics of
shell scripts and init scripts are afraid that their skill will lose
value or become obsolete and they will need to start again.


  Nicolas George

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