On Fri 14 Apr 2017 at 20:02:11 (-0400), songbird wrote:
> Richard Owlett wrote:
> ...
> [file a bug?]
>   i'm not sure this is a bug.  you've
> done an expert install, but not let grub
> finish so by my estimate you've left the
> install where manual patching is needed.

I would agree with that. It's not clear to me why an SD is being used
in this way as the OP has at last revealed that the computer is unable
to boot from an SD plugged in directly. (Of course, an SD card can be
made to look like a USB stick just by sticking it in a card reader.
Then it will boot.)

>   right now this thread is showing up via
> go ogle so people will find it if they have
> similar issues and they can maybe sort it
> out.
>   what i would do for grins is unplug the
> devices other than the SSD and the installation 
> media and then do a base system (simple install 
> - not expert) and see what the installer does 
> detect and writes in the fstab and grub menu 
> (it may even boot).  you may then use those 
> things in the previously installed grub and
> fstab files (for the system which boots and
> runs but does not mount the SSD).

Googling may now throw up this thread when people are searching for
SSD installation. SSDs are a different animal from SD cards.


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