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On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:42:58PM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:


> I believe the design of that button is flawed.
> It *ONLY* asks if respondent considers that message to be "SPAM".

This is the button's task. It's stating: "hey, listmasters: look over
here". So be considerate, you're generating work... for people making
the world a better place for us all.

> It DOES *NOT*:
>   1. ask for confirmation.
>   2. ask WHY message should be considered spam.
> Also, it does not apparently record *WHO* flagged a message as "spam".
> I verified that point by experiment.
> There ONE person on this list who routinely disagrees with me.
> I chose one of his most spurious posts.
> Using https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/... I viewed one of his
> sillier replies.
> I chose to report it as spam.

That would be a misuse of said button.

> That was apparent end of the evaluation process.
> I'm *NOT* suggesting that the poser should be banned.
> He occasionally posts useful comments.

There's a lot of fringe-offtopic stuff in this list. But since that
is a very subjective judgement, it seems better that it's tolerated.

Spam is something coming from nowhere, having nothing to do with
this list.

> Who/What is appropriate authority to address suggestions for
> improving the situation.

The listmasters. But -- before piling work upon them, please try
to think about it in a constructive way. This list is very tolerant
by design. It's upon all of us to try to deal with it in a helpful

- -- tomás
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