On 04/24/2017 04:22 AM, Dan Purgert wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
Can I do what I want?
What background reading should I do?
A major motivation is self education.

Best check would be t-mobile's site showing how much data you've used.

Their records are focused on monthly totals.
I'm focused on a 4 or 5 hour time block encompassing activities with doing a netinst. It would include not only the data from repository but my web searches when finding out that what I "knew" just wasn't true.

Sure, the card's local info may be close

"... card's local info ..."???
That suggests that exactly the desired data may be available

I see two general problems with the usage apps I found:
 1. They are too focused on groups of packets to/from specific IP
 2. I don't see how they could be active during an install without
    a significant rewrite of the installer.

If there were user accessible registers with a running total of uploaded/downloaded data since device power on would be almost ideal granularity.

I haven't looked at T-Mobile's pages about the Z915 in months.
Will report back if I find something.
Are there other Z915 users here?
Thank you.

... but when the boll comes,
it's not your numbers that t-mobile will use.

Though, perhaps I am misunderstanding what you're after?

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