On 2017-05-08 20:48 +0200, B.M. wrote:

> I've just upgraded two installations from jessie to stretch. Both have 
> digikam 
> installed. First installation runs digikam without any problem. But on the 
> second one I've a shared library error:
> Digikam: error while loading shared libraries: libgphoto2_port.so.10: cannot 
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Interestingly, on both systems synaptic says that digikam-private-libs 
> depends 
> on libgphoto-port12 (>=2.5.10) which is installed on both and no libgphoto-
> port10 is installed on neither the machine with the running nor the one with 
> the not-running digikam. How's that possible?

The most common source of this problem type is that some locally
installed library shadows the one from a Debian package.

> I already tried checks, reinstalls of digikam and its dependencies, cruft and 
> so on but I don't find out, what the root of the problem really is. Any hints 
> on how to solve that are welcome...

I would start with "ldd /usr/bin/digikam".


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