>I have installed Debian Stretch on my first system using UEFI. I used a 
>two disk Raid 1 + LVM configured during install time to mount / on 
>(among other things).
>But now I need to figure out how to add redundancy to the software raid 
>1 since I believe boot entries are only added to one disk during 
>installation time?  According to 
> there doesn't seem to be 
>much options. Is my only option to copy the FAT32 EFI system partition 
>from the first disk to the second disk and then use efibootmgr to add it 
>(the second disk) as a boot entry? And will any subsequent kernel or 
>grub updates affect the system partition and thus require another 
>copy/sync to the second disk?

I'm afraid there's no automation for this yet. I'm hoping to find some
time to work on adding this during the Buster cycle, and the Grub
developers are apparently interested too.

For now, you'll need to do this by hand I'm afraid.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
"I can't ever sleep on planes ... call it irrational if you like, but I'm
 afraid I'll miss my stop" -- Vivek Dasmohapatra

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