On Tue, 23 May 2017 13:43:20 -0500
Dennis Wicks <w...@mgssub.com> wrote:

> How do I get the setup procedure to run?
> I use a url of like I found in
> the docs but it keeps asking for a user and password. I have
> tried many combos that I have found: root, admin, pma,
> phpmyadmin. I tried using localhost in the url but it gets
> changed to www.localhost.com! I tried setting the
> config.sample.inc.php AllowNoPassword to TRUE but that
> didn't help. I have run out of places to look and ideas.
> Does anybody know how to get this thing started?
> If I have to setup mysql first, that is just as great a
> mystery! I was hoping that phpmyadmin would take care of
> that for me too!
> Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

Yes, you've done it backwards, but it's no big deal in Debian.
phpmyadmin needs the root password of mysql in order to install, and if
you haven't installed mysql, it obviously doesn't have one. phpmyadmin
itself needs to set up data in mysql.

So remove phpmyadmin, then install mysql. The mysql installation will
ask you to create a root password. Note that the mysql root user and his
password are completely separate from the Linux root user and password.
Don't lose this password, as mysql takes security seriously and will
not allow you to recreate a root password unless you already have it. If
you forget it, you need to reinstall, and all data that you can't
manage to backup without the root password will be lost. A wise
precaution is to backup all the data regularly, even if the computer
itself is being backed up regularly.

Having installed mysql, it will have created some data tables of its
own for housekeeping. Now install phpmyadmin (it's really just a few
scripts, you're not actually installing anything, just hooking it into
the apache configuration). It will want the mysql root password in
order to make some data of its own.

As far as I recall, that's it. It is possible that there will be php
or even apache issues, as both are much more tightly controlled than
when I last set this up. It may be necessary to enable something here
or there, but I suspect Debian will sort that out.

You'll need at least a vague idea of how mysql works, as it's not
really intuitive if you haven't used something like it before. There
are reams of information and tutorials on the Net, in addition to
the official mysql site. Note particularly that mysql users (again,
completely separate from Linux users) are specified by both user name
and client computer hostname. From a recent post of mine:

"Note also what someone else here was confused about recently, that
mysql knows users by both name and client computer hostname, so
richard@comp1 is a different user to richard@comp2, and different again
to richard@localhost and richard@%. The '%' is the SQL wildcard. As
different users, they can have different privileges and passwords e.g
richard@comp1 can use database fred but not database bill, and
richard@localhost can use bill but not fred. Wordpress will almost
certainly name its user(s) 'xxx@localhost', and that account will not
work from anywhere else. I mention this in detail because it took me a
while to get the hang of it.

List the users/hosts with USE mysql; SELECT * FROM user;

Don't mess with user privileges until you understand them, a large
variety of privileges can exist globally, per database, per table and
per column. A user set up by an application will (hopefully) have
exactly the correct set of privileges."

You are right for the most part, with phpmyadmin you shouldn't need to
use the mysql command line, but it is worth knowing that it is there,
and what you can do from it (i.e. everything) and if you ever have
trouble with your web server, the command line will still be there. You
may also one day want to involve some or all of your mysql databases in
your backup scripts, and again, the command line is what you will need

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