I experimented in switching a clone of my sid installation to an experimental, 
that was the plan.
Since I was doing other things I thought I'll let the cloning take place 
Let's say sda5/6/7/8/9 were to be cloned to sdb5-9 (5 / 6 var 7 sw 8 tmp 9 
home) all b partitions were slightly larger.
I used dd bs=1M for each one and though all I had to do is log in sda5 edit the 
sdb5 fstab and then update-grub.

1 - Does dd leave uuid targets as they are, does it create new ones, or does it 
copy uuid from source to target?
2 - When I rebooted sda5 was not booting up properly. Eventually I checked its 
fstab and corrected it but at this poing the system run an fsck and I got some 
errors and hit y,y,y,y, for fixing. I don't know if the errors came from uuids 
existing in the system twice.
3 - Updating grub seemed to have made a bigger mess as now I could boot up but 
the partitions were mixed up between sda and sdb parts. It would boot-up on 
root / of sda and have a home in sdb9 ....
4 - Eventually to stay safe I booted from live usb and edited all the 
partitions, gave them separate labels to avoid any confusion (as "Deb on Sda6 
var..."_) and switched to all new uuids to clear up the mess. Re-edited fstab 
on bot sda and sdb (hd0 and hd1 dos5) and rebooted sda and updated-grub again.
5 - Here is the unexplained part: My sda5 system booted up fine and normal, 
when I would try sdb5 the second line would say debian clean on sda5!!!

So I went into grub.cfg to see what is going on. On the menu entry of the 
second installation the first line of each entry would have the proper sdb5 
uuid, the following line - which I believe is the actual command - had the uuid 
from sda5. So, am I to assume that grub when it updates only replaces the first 
line of each entry expecting the next uuid will be the same, even if it is not?

So I got it all fixed, not much to see in the experimental part for my interest 
except some kernels 4.10 and 4.11, but the puzzle is not solved. Where exactly 
did I go wrong? I'm just proud of myself for fixing it, but could there be a 
bug somewhere? For a minute or two I thought maybe grub was falsely detecting 
some kind of raid action between the two drives and mirror partitions, but I 
have no raid (intentionally).

Feel free to replicate the mess and I learned to hate gparted for taking so 
damn long from each operation to the next.


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