On 05/26/2017 08:03 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
> Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 19:40 (UTC-0500):
>> OK, so the question is, since he is using the default modeset(0) driver,
>> what can he do,if anything, to install and try the Intel driver instead
>> and see if it works better?
> In https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2017/05/msg00781.html I explained how,
> but he hasn't written here whether he tried or not. I asked for another
> Xorg.0.log, in order to find that out (among other things), but that hasn't
> happened.
Yes, I remember that post earlier in the thread.  I have however, slept
since then :) The OP has not AFAICT performed the cp command to install
the xorg.conf file. Does this cp command overwrite an existing
xorg.conf.  AIR, the xorg.conf is no longer required (of course I've
slept several times since I think I saw that :) ). If it is overwriting,
perhaps it would be a good idea if the OP preserved the existing
xorg.conf in case the new one borks the system worse (always possible
when messing with the drivers).

> If the Intel driver has already been tried, then his focus probably needs to 
> be
> shifted to hunting down anything to be tried that's specific to his Braswell
> chipset generation.
> One possible thing to try (which AFAICT can't work in Gnome), is disabling of
> compositing. Whether Mate can work with compositing disabled ...
As Mate is a fork of Gnome (Gnome 2 to be exact) I would suspect that if
Gnome will not work without compositing, Mate would not either.  But,
the current Gnome desktop is Gnome3, and has been for some time, so
perhaps the Mate fork is early enough that it may run without
compositing (but I wouldn't put MY money on it.  As I run Mate, I guess
I could try it and see.  As I know what changes I'm making, if I bork
the system, I can always fix it with a console log-in :).
...I have no idea, but
> I know it can in Plasma and TDE, and most likely also in IceWM, LXDE and other
> lightweights. I do it, when necessary, or desirable, globally, via
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-extensions.conf:
Well, as I wrote this, I took a look, and on my system (Stretch, with an
amd processor and Radeon graphics) the etc/X11/xord.conf.d/ directory
does not even exist.
>       Section "Extensions"
>               Option          "Composite" "Disable"
>       EndSection

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