On Mon 05 Jun 2017 at 11:10:12 (+0000), david...@freevolt.org wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jun 2017, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >Greetings all;
> >
> >100% uptodate wheezy install here.
> >
> >I try to keep a handle on my web site traffic with awffull, but it has
> >not generated any new data since sometime in april, so I go looking for
> >the why tonight and find that apache2's logfiles were moved
> >to /var/log/httpd.  I was going to reconfigure awffull, but that would
> >have cost me about 5 years of history,  so I moved the files, and where
> >apache2 keeps its logs back to /var/log/apache2.
> >
> >Was there a good reason to issue an update to apache2.conf that moved
> >those logfiles?

I thought this change was made so that you could run multiple instances.
It's all in the changelog.

> You could examine the recent months' postings to the mailing list
> below, and see if anything strikes a chord:
>  https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-changes/

> But I seem to recall that around the end of April, you wrote to this
> list that you had been experimenting with your web server and were
> contemplating some changes to /etc/apache2 and /etc/httpd .
> And now your web server's logfiles are stored in an unexpected
> location, as of sometime in April.

… perhaps a few moments before Fri, 28 Apr 2017 23:35:06 -0400

Could you have lost control of your APACHE_LOG_DIR?


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