On Wednesday 07 June 2017 01:51:30 Long Wind wrote:
> i can visit the web site with firefox 4 xp and android browser. the problem
> is with iceweasel
> thanks anyway!
> On Wednesday, June 7, 2017, SDA <marathon.duran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 07, 2017 at 05:30:05AM +0800, Long Wind wrote:
> > > Thank Thomas!
> > > I disable javascript, but it still display nothing.
> > >
> > > the web site is in Chinese, use Unicode
> > >
> > > my energy is limited,I give up
> > > Thank all those who reply!
> >
> > I posted a link to what the page looks like as a webm movie. Not see it?

Why are you using Iceweasel?  (You probably said, but I can't find it.)


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