On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 11:34:50AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi All..
> Does anyone know how i can update libc6 to the latest stable release on
> debian woody.

Don't even _think_ about it.
libc6 is the kingpin of all the dependencies on your system. _Huge_
numbers of programs are compiled to depend on a particular version of
libc6. If you upgrade to another version of libc6, the vast majority of
your system will no longer work (unless you upgrade all those programs,

> A number of time's i have wanted to install new software and not been able
> to because the version of libc6 was to old..

What you can do is either get backports of those programs (packages
compiled against woody's version of the needed libraries)... check out
apt-get.org as a starting point for finding backports...
dist-upgrade to sarge or sid, which will upgrade the whole system,
including newer versions of libc6... Note that sarge (testing) and sid
(unstable) do experience some brokenness sometimes.
you could compile those things yourself, I suppose.

>  -ScruLoose-  | Forward he cried from the rear; and the front rank died <
>    Please     |      and the General sat, and the lines on the map      <
> do not Cc me. |                 moved from side to side.                <
>               |                       - Pink Floyd                      <

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