On 06/18/2017 08:25 PM, pplaw wrote:
> The network I'm on at the moment hands out DHCP addresses.  But, sometimes,
> I'll hard-code the IP address for the computer (with ifconfig:  ifconfig 
> (eth0--but in this case) enx687f74158a8a 10.x.x.x netmask;
> route add default gw 10.x.x.x).  Since this is a new install of Stretch,
> I haven't been able to download the ifconfig package; and if I type ifup
> enx687f74158a8a (or for my wireless card, wlp1s0), I get:  "unknown in-
> terface.

In the Debian release notes there's a section about the fact that
ifconfig has been deprecated for well over a decade now, and is not
included in new installs anymore starting with Stretch:


If you want to temporarily add an IP to a given interface, you can
use the 'ip' utility (this also works in older Debian versions):

ip link set $DEVICE up
ip addr add 10.x.x.x/24 dev $DEVICE
ip route add default via 10.x.x.y

The question why 'ifup' doesn't work in your case: 'ifup' is only
a tool that is used in conjunction with /etc/network/interfaces
(or /etc/network/interfaces.d/*). So in order for ifup to work,
you need to create an entry in /etc/network/interfaces for your
network interface, for example:

auto enx687f74158a8a
iface enx687f74158a8a inet static
   address 10.x.x.x/24
   gateway 10.x.x.y

And then you can do 'ifup enx687f74158a8a'. (And in that case
the interface will also be configured when the system is rebooted.)

(The 'ifup' part is also the same in older Debian versions.)


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