On 06/19/2017 09:10 AM, Brian wrote:
On Sun 18 Jun 2017 at 13:47:32 -0400, Jape Person wrote:
So you don't even install recommends normally? I would have supposed (from
reading various descriptions of recommends) that this would result in
significant functional compromise in most packages. Not usually so?

An occasional problem is not unknown but it can usually be sorted.
I do not do it on all machines and certainly would not advise others
to follow my example unless it is necessary (1G of flash memory, for
example!) Using recommended packages should be the norm.

Ah, I understand.

In the initial mail Jape Person also wrote this:


Worthy of a bug report?

Not from my experiences. You are using Stretch. The situation is that
firefox-esr does not recommend gstreamer1.0-libav as it does on Jessie.
Nothing else uses it, so deborphan lists it for removal. I agree with
you up 'til there.

The other issue is no sound or video played by a browser. Youtube is
still ok for me with firefox on stretch (gstreamer1.0-libav installed
or not).

Interesting. I'll just see what happens as things get sorted out in the new testing. I haven't seen any upgrades available yet since the freeze. I know it generally takes a few days.

Once again, Brian, thank you for your help.

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