On Mon 19 Jun 2017 at 12:37:45 -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Jun 2017, Wellington Terumi Uemura wrote:
> > I'm trying to install Debian 9 from a Live version with no success, I'm
> Plese don't.  Please install from an install image.

I would give the same advice. My reasons would be

1. People here have more experience of a netinst image (say), so help
   is more readily available.

2. The netinst and DVD images have probably undergone more testing.

3. Why play? Just get on with it and install Debian. You know it makes

4. Enjoy the freedom given by the mini ISO. A few MB compared with a GB
   download; no contest. Everything spot-on and up-to-date.

5. I have never used a live image to install; I do not see the point.
   (That doesn't mean I am saying it should not be done).

6. Live images support only two architectures.

7. Play and test. Disk space is cheap and USB sticks are two-a-penny.
   Install with a netinst and be done with it.
> the Live images will get fixed, but it is always safer to use them only
> for testing things or playing with Debian, and using an *install* image
> to install for real...

That is a damning indictment of a live image. What is unsafe about
installing from it? Is d-i unable to operate reliably within a live
environment? The analysis could form the basis of Reason 8.

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