On 2017-06-26, Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 09:01:30AM +0000, Curt wrote:
>> Because of the pedagogical interest of the thing, for those who come
>> after us, for posterity's sake, I wanted the OP to give us a complete
>> description of what occurred, rather than a misleading one (for we are
>> left wondering why FF was held back in the first place, if an 'apt-get
>> install' simply "went ahead and installed it."
> In stretch, the upgrade from firefox-esr 45.x to 52.x requires a
> new Depends: package, named libjsoncpp1.

Right. Same here on Wheezy. The name of the package escaped me. Actually
it was rhetorical wondering I was doing up there. Sorry if that was

<snip exhaustive description for posterity absent from the OP's account,
thank-you Mr. Wooledge>

“Yeah yeah.” --Sidney Morgenbesser's retort to a speaker who said that although
there are many cases in which two negatives make a positive, he knew of no case
in which two positives made a negative.

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