>>The trouble manifested when I tried using various components of an old 
>>release of Turbo C.
>>Everything, 16 and 32 bit, tickles this bug.

Hey David, don't give up, i got Turbo C+ 3.0 working fine in dosbox by setting 
ver to 6.00 in the dosbox.conf and using a real 
MS-DOS COMMAND.COM from msdos 6.

The only reason I ever use dosemu is for serial port, modems or old FOSSIL 
stuff.  dosbox is a lot easier for games and programming.  

I hope there's not some kernel issue with this, I really like my old stuff,
especially Vern Buerg's  LIST.COM combined with semware Qedit Advanced.  THE 
BEST two programs in history.

Let us know how it goes, try TC on dosbox with the right command.com

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