On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 01:56:02PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

> Anyway, since you are no longer a Debian user, you are unlikely to see
> this message, as surely you have dutifully unsubscribed and will not be
> posting here anymore, as is right and proper.

It's perfectly possible to use both Debian and Devuan. I personally have 4
PCs just in my apartment (not counting the company laptop), one of which
runs Debian, as does my VPS. Another runs Ubuntu (required to keep it under
warranty, I'm not a big fan) and a third Puppy Linux. 
Carl Fink                           nitpick...@nitpicking.com 

Read my blog at blog.nitpicking.com.  Reviews!  Observations!
Stupid mistakes you can correct!

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