On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 10:57:14PM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
Since it is not even conceptually possible to install Debian with no
init system at all (even if an option to do so existed, what would it
*do* in practice?), having there be an option to select which of the
available init systems should be installed - rather than having to let
the system install one, then clean it up later on if that one is not the
one you wanted -

You are arguing from a false premise: that the only way to install Debian is to first install systemd, then replace it with sysvinit.

can seem like the solution least biased in favor of any
particular init system.

It seems quite proper that there *is* a bias here: towards the system that
Debian recommends, that is judged to be the best choice for the majority of
users, and will receive the most testing.


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