On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 09:43:48AM -0400, Jason Wittlin-Cohen wrote:
> The last post on the bug report indicates that this issue has been fixed.
> The changelog for the fixed version states:
>    * enable glusterfs support (glusterfs-common), in qemu-block-extra
> Stretch and newer contain qemu-block-extra, and it depends on 
> glusterfs-common.

Ah, I missed that.  I didn't go through the details of the final message
because the "wontfix" tag is still there, so I assumed it still applied.

However, even after installing qemu-block-extra and restarting libvirtd,
it's still a no-go:

~$ sudo apt-get install qemu-block-extra
~$ sudo systemctl restart libvirtd
~$ cat gluster.xml 
<pool type="gluster">
    <host name='gandalf.xxx.xxx'/>
    <dir path='/'/>
~$ virsh pool-define gluster.xml 
error: Failed to define pool from gluster.xml
error: internal error: missing backend for pool type 10 (gluster)

This is on a fully up-to-date stretch install (qemu 1:2.8+dfsg-6, libvirt 
3.0.0-4, gluster 3.8.8-1).

Dave Sherohman

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