My gpg key works just fine in a gnome-terminal when I'm logged in via
the gnome display manager. New in stretch is that gnome now pops a
windows for me to give the passphrase, which is really nice, but not so
good if I'm remotely logged-in via SSH. Then I get the disturbing error,

 gpg: public key decryption failed: Operation cancelled
 gpg: decryption failed: No secret key

It turns out, when I'm still logged-in via the display manager, the
passphrase prompt pops up locally. I have to force-logout gnome and kill
gpg-agent to be able to run gpg remotely, and even so, the gpg-agent
pops a sort of text window. It seems the terminal emulator cannot tell
the difference.

Is there a way to instruct gpg to request the passphrase in the
old-fashioned way, in the terminal, when logged-in remotely via SSH?


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