On Fri 21 Jul 2017 at 00:43:08 (-0400), Felix Miata wrote:
> Joe Pfeiffer composed on 2017-07-20 15:38 (UTC-0600):
> > David Wright  wrote:
> >> On Wed 19 Jul 2017 at 14:57:50 (-0400), Felix Miata wrote:
> >>> Did you miss that in Stretch apt is preferred to apt-get?
> >> I did. Where does it say that?
> > The closest thing to that statement I've encountered is in the Debian
> > Administrator's Handbook, "apt is a second command-line based front end
> > provided by APT which overcomes some design mistakes of apt-get."  It
> > doesn't quite say it's preferred, but it does say why the author of the
> > handbook thinks it's superior.
> > https://debian-handbook.info/browse/stable/sect.apt-get.html
> > section 6.2
> The handbook paragraph following that quoted above includes this:
>       "The most recommended interface, apt,..."
> It only says apt is the cmdline interface that followed apt-get, not when it
> followed, but I think "overcomes design mistakes of apt-get" is enough to
> justify saying that apt is generally preferred to apt-get.

In ยง6,2 I actually _can't_ see where the author says it's superior.
I _can_ see that a substitution s/apt-get/apt/ has been made in
the newer version of the handbook (actually published just after
jessie was released) and in stretch's Installation Guide.

For a gloss on the "design mistakes" statement, see


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