On 22.07.17 14:23, Joel Rees wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 1:51 PM, Erik Christiansen
> >
> > There is no rational explanation for failing to make all 5 tabs visible.
> >
> > Erik
> > (Who in 30 years of s/w development never let a team member produce crap
> > like that.)
> >
> I think there are two things going on here.
> One is that many devs get huge displays to make it easier to code, and
> then forget what the ordinary-sized displays are like. So they get careless
> about the constraints imposed by ordinary-sized screens.

Uhuh, I always tried to give my s/w team members big screens too, but my
screen is also over two feet wide. The "PulseAudio Volume Control" dev's
perversity here is in forcing two vital tabs off the dialogue window for
no valid reason, when there is over another half yard of display width to

> Another is that many devs are trying to support tablets without
> designing a separate UI for them. So they cram too much in.

That does not wash. The output config could then be included in the
"Output Ports" tab, where it belongs in the first place. Further, the
"PulseAudio Volume Control" is so damn narrow that it could fit twice on
a tablet, _and_ it wastes 25% of the tab width. The two omitted tabs can
be accommodated with ease.

As there is no plausible reason for obfuscating the two tabs, it is only
arrant disregard for the user which leads to the current abomination.


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