Le 21/07/2017 à 04:11, Felix Miata a écrit :
Pascal Hambourg composed on 2017-07-20 23:40 (UTC+0200):

Felix Miata composed:

Grub Legacy requires no scripts or filesystem mounting to
setup, and its menu.lst is magnitudes easier than Grub2's grub.cfg to manually

This is your opinion.

Grub2 setup can be run without mounting the target filesystem?

If by "target filesystem" you mean the filesystem containing the boot directory (/boot by default or specified by the --boot-directory option) then no. But I fail to see how this ability would be an advantage. I trust the OS filesystem driver more than GRUB installer when it comes to writing files to a filesystem.

(boot anything that has Grub Legacy available in the path)
# grub
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 # verify current state is as expected
grub> root (hd0,6)           # specify installation source
grub> setup (hd0,2)          # make a primary bootable
(ready to boot third primary partition on first HD)

Do similarly simple Grub2 instructions exist?

GRUB 2 just has a single grub-install command.

I beg to differ. Once you are used to it, manually
maintaining grub.cfg is rather easy.

In your opinion. I find smaller files using volume labels easier to maintain
than larger ones with humanly immemorable UUIDs.

You can just use all that (labels and small files) with GRUB 2 too.

Because the upstream GRUB legacy does not support ext4,

Since when has there been any upstream Grub Legacy?

Since the beginning.

Upstream restarted from
scratch, a whole new set of requirements and bugs to go along with incompatible
menu and setup, a very different bootloader deserving of a very different name.

So what ? We all know they are very different.

not even
mentioning newer filesystems such as btrfs, or features such as LVM,
RAID (no, GRUB legacy has no full software RAID support).

Some people are satisfied to keep what works working

Until it doesn't work any more because something else changed and is not supported any more by the old GRUB legacy.

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