On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 02:26:33PM +0100, tripolar wrote:
> can I use knoppix live-cd to fix mbr to be able to boot sarge & m$XP?
> lilo is installed on sarge. grub maybe also installed though not configured.
> no boot floppy :-( used new installer and dont remember the option to make 
> boot floppy
> thanks

You should be able to, AFAIK.
Get knoppix up, mount your hard drive read-write (manually, 'cause
knoppix defaults to readonly), configure and run lilo or grub to get the
mbr set up how you want, and reboot.

>  -ScruLoose-  |                                                         <
>    Please     |                Bwahahaha--  I mean, oops.               <
> do not Cc me. |                                                         <

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