On 07/28/2017 07:30 AM, Curt wrote:
On 2017-07-26, Jape Person <jap...@comcast.net> wrote:
On 07/26/2017 12:01 PM, Curt wrote:


I'd swear that Adobe said they were going to do this years ago. At that
time I muttered under my breath that I would probably be dead by the
time they actually got around to it.

2020, huh? It's going to be close.

Well that's a mediocre prognosis and I'm sorry to hear it.

Hi, Curt.

Thank you for your kind sentiment, but I've had a terrific life, so no regrets on anyone's part. And it's still possible I'll keep surprising myself. I was expected to last six months in 1982, so I've been fortunate.

I should tell you that you have provided me with a steady stream of amusement. It's so appropriate that your list name is Curt. Those pithy little zingers never fail to tickle. They've made this a fun place to visit.

I had hoped to see the world get a sense of humor and go to a big party together before I kicked it. Obviously, that's not going to happen, but if I may see the end of Flash before it sees the end of me, that will be a tiny but nice consolation prize.



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