On Debian 8/Jessie, i386, do:

    xfig xxx.fig

Then, (draw a dash-dot-dash-dot line, anyplace):

    POLYLINE drawing
    Line Style
        select dash-dot-dash-dot ...
            and then draw a line, anyplace

And, it does a SIGSEGV.

It seems that there is a bug in that simple procedure, resulting in a
core dump.

The reason that Debian 8/Jessie could not read the legacy files is
that they had hole axis (dash-dot-dash-dot ...) lines.

Anyhow, it replicates on my systems.


Zenaan Harkness writes:
> On Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 02:13:39AM -0700, John Conover wrote:
> > 
> > I have an old xfig file, ND90-4.box-0.25.fig. In Debian 7/Wheezy, it
> > works fine. But in Jessie:
> > 
> >     xfig ND90-4.box-0.25.fig 
> > 
> >     xfig3.2.5c: SIGSEGV signal trapped
> >     xfig: attempting to save figure
> >     Finish (or cancel) the current operation before changing modes
> >     Segmentation fault
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> Install the build-depends for the package, and recompile - you might
> have to install old version of gcc, libc and/ or other libraries.
> When you figure it out, would appreciate a brief pracie of your
> journey :)
> Alternatively, install a virtual machine, the older version of
> Debian, and share a work folder or two - run it from there.
> Good luck,


John Conover, cono...@rahul.net, http://www.johncon.com/

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