Richard Hector <> writes:

> On 05/08/17 03:56, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Thanks to all.  The problem seems to be solved with such a cable:
> Except that it's hard to tell what size those connectors are. Unless
> there's something in the description that I can't read that says they're
> 3.5mm, they look to me more like 6.25mm. I'm not sure what it is - I
> think 3.5mm plugs are usually more rounded on the end, while the larger
> ones often have that point. Also, it looks like the case comes apart,
> and I think the only ones I've seen with such skinny bodies are moulded
> plastic. If that's 3.5mm, I think it would be very hard to assemble by
> hand, which the body designs suggest.

The cable that made me possible to live record stereo from two mics, without
mixer nor preamp nor external audio card nor audio interface, is a 3.5mm
twin-mono-female and a 3.5mm single-stereo-male: the two mics plugged into the
two mono females and the stereo male plugged into the `mic' input of my PC.
This cable was solded for me by the owner of the electricity shop near my

To add a third microphone for human voice (the former two are for piano), I
plan to use a second PC as suggested by Fungi4All.  This way I'll continue to
do without mixer or audio interface, till the moment I'll want to do things
more professionally.  Now, they're just home made records...


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