/var/log/cups# lpinfo -l -v
Device: uri = socket
        class = network
        info = AppSocket/HP JetDirect
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = beh
        class = network
        info = Backend Error Handler
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = ipp14
        class = network
        info = Internet Printing Protocol (ipp14)
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = http
        class = network
        info = Internet Printing Protocol (http)
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = ipp
        class = network
        info = Internet Printing Protocol (ipp)
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = ipps
        class = network
        info = Internet Printing Protocol (ipps)
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = https
        class = network
        info = Internet Printing Protocol (https)
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = lpd
        class = network
        info = LPD/LPR Host or Printer
        make-and-model = Unknown
        device-id =
        location =
Device: uri = dnssd://Brother%20HL-4040CN%20series._pdl-datastream._tcp.local/
        class = network
        info = Brother HL-4040CN series
        make-and-model = Brother HL-4040CN series
        device-id = MFG:Brother;MDL:HL-4040CN series;CMD:PCL;
        location =
Device: uri = lpd://BRNF35C1B/BINARY_P1
        class = network
        info = Brother HL-4040CN series
        make-and-model = Brother HL-4040CN series
device-id = MFG:Brother;CMD:PJL,PCL,PCLXL;MDL:HL-4040CN series;CLS:PRINTER;
        location =
Device: uri = dnssd://Brother%20HL-4040CN%20series._printer._tcp.local/
        class = network
        info = Brother HL-4040CN series
        make-and-model = Brother HL-4040CN series
        device-id = MFG:Brother;MDL:HL-4040CN series;CMD:PCL;
        location =

systemctl status cups (as per Brians idea) gives
systemctl status cups
● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-08-07 00:06:46 BST; 21h ago
     Docs: man:cupsd(8)
 Main PID: 31045 (cupsd)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
           └─31045 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l

On 06/08/17 21:09, Gene Heskett wrote:

Humm.  Do you have lpinfo? lpinfo -l -v gets me a list of all usable
protocols and printers,

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