On 09-08-17, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> I installed a 32-bit Debian on an HP laptop the
> other day, and during installation it said
> non-free components were not installed as not
> on the disc, for political reasons I suppose,
> and then the network couldn't be set up
> correctly despite the cable in place.
> When done, I couldn't get Internet to work
> despite doing as superuser 'dhclient eth0'
> which is all it takes on my other Debian, which
> I also installed from a DVD.
> So I wonder, are the Ethernet problems related
> to the missing firmware?
> And if not, what seems to be the problem?
> -- 
> underground experts united
> http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573

Well, you should have write down what was missing during installation,
those messages you get for reason. Also, when you have firmware and you
get note that it is missing, it is best to abort installation and
download needed firmware and put in USB you can insert during
installation. Or, to use one of the "unnofficial" images with firmware
on it:


That said, now first step would be to check your network cards and what
drivers are in use. As regular user do:

lspci -v | grep -A10 -i net

If you type that as root change A10 to A15.

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