On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 04:11:31AM +0000, Long Wind wrote:
> even simple task like recording from line in can't be donethough i try very 
> hard
> mencoder has many advanced featuresall seem useless
> maybe alsa is at fault??or because of poor documentation?
> i had used openbsd, it's 
> easyhttps://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq13.html#confaudiomaybe i shall switch to 
> bsd

This is probably a side effect of (lack of) familiarity, combined
with your penchant for command line Ultimate Control (TM)(C)(R) (I
too share this penchant :)

You know years ago I tried using Red Hat (pre-Fedora) for a couple
days, but my frustration with the differences in /etc and the various
adminning commands, left me squarely back on Debian (this was also
before my CoC fight with Debian CoC too :)

I have found that as long as I installed the right packages with an
XFCE desktop, sound (e.g. with Audacity and VLC) works just fine,
including "basic recording" using the line in.

A few years back I was also running a full jackd/ jack-audio stack,
Ardour (yum!) and a shirt tonne of sfx plugins - damn I love
GNU/Linux! :)  Yum yum!

But yes, the joy of such an incredibly yummy, fully libre man, fully
libre high end audio stack running on a simple line in and headphone
out, required a little tinkering.  Just made the result more
enjoyable though :)

Whatever you end up with, the libre journey is indeed a journey -
it's not a final answer or "silver bullet on a gold plate handed to
you with no thought needed on your part". Compared to 20 years ago,
we have truly awesome libre software abarndance, for which I am very
greateful to the 1000s of hackers who've made it happen.


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