On 08/13/17 21:03, Long Wind wrote:
my Debian share disk with XPit never cause wrong time problem in XP beforebut 
new Debian cause it
in new Debian i choose correct timezone, time/date is OKbut time is wrong in XP
maybe Debian thinks that bios is set universal time ??how to fix it?? Thanks!!

Please enter the following commands into a Terminal in Debian, then cut and paste the command and the output into your reply:

    cat /etc/debian_version

    uname -a

By "XP", please confirm you mean Windows XP.

Please explain how you are sharing a disk between Windows XP and Debian.

What file system is on the disk?

Please explain what you mean by "wrong time problem".

What timezone is the CMOS clock in your computer set to?

Please explain what you mean by "new Debian".

In what context did you "choose correct timezone"?


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