On Mon 14 Aug 2017 at 21:04:20 +0200, Flo wrote:

> I upgraded two of my computers to testing recently and on my laptop invoking
> libreoffice doesn't work. I've looked for a few hours to find a solution but
> I failed.
> When I call libreoffice
> No provider of glClearBufferfv found.  Requires one of:
>     Desktop OpenGL 3.0
>     OpenGL ES 3.0
> Does anyone know what packages are necessary in that case.

If libreoffice is an essential application for you, you have illustrated
why it is recommended to use stable.

If you are intent on testing buster, thanks. Your "few hours" are not
wasted. Keep looking and questioning.

Sorry not to be more help in resolving the immediate problem


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