On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 12:56:28 -0400
rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:


>    * All of the Linuxes somehow indicated that I had to load some other files 
> to get the Broadcom working.  I eventually realized they were talking about 
> firmware that has to be installed on the card.  

Yes, you'll need firmware.

> I think all of them (or at least Wheezy, iirc, identified those files as 
> b43/ucode5.fw and b43-open/ucode5.fw.  (Are those two different files, and, 
> do I 
> need both or either??).  So far, I have not located those files anywhere, 
> either using google or searching the (Wheezy) packages (including contrib and 
> non-free).

There is Broadcom's own [proprietary] firmware, and (possibly?) an open
source version. I don't know the state of the OSS version, but the last
time I looked into it, it wasn't entirely stable / reliable. Just use
Broadcom's, unless you know what you're doing and / or have strong
ideological / moral views on the subject.

Broadcom's version is definitely not included in Debian, even in
non-free. There is, however, the firmware cutter utility and package,
which can download and extract the firmware for and put it in the right
place. Just follow the instructions here:


> I downloaded some packages  from the Wheezy repository (after adding contrib 
> and non-free): 
> The downloaded packages:
> firmware-b43-installer version 1:015-14.1

That's the one that you want.

> firmware-brcm80211 version 0.36+wheezy.1

I don't think you want / need this one. Again, just follow the
directions here:


> There were other packages I could have downloaded and tried, but didn't, so 
> far.
> Those packages provided me with (among other files):
> /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm43xx-0.fw
> /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm43xx_hdr-0.fw
> b43-fwcutter


> The main questions: So, where do I go from here?  Is ucode5.fw an obsolete 
> file 
> name?  Or maybe that is the name for the Broadcom proprietary stuff but what 
> I've found are open source replacements?  Is ucode5.fw in one of the other 
> Debian packages for Broadcom?  Has anyone ever got WiFi working with Wheezy 
> and this Broadcom device?

So what's the problem? Does the card work? Is the driver module
inserted into the kernel? What does dmesg say when you insert it?
[Try "modprobe -r b43" followed by "modprobe b43" and see what dmesg


>    * Somewhere I found a blurb that identified it as a "Broadcom Wireless 
> 1390 
> WLAN Mini card"

Marketing name, not particularly important for us.

>    * Using =lspci -vnn -d 14e4:=, I get the following information:
> PCI-ID     Supported?   Chip ID       Modes PHY version Alternative 
> 14e4:4311     yes     BCM4311         b/g     G       wl

That's what we need - see here:

> IIUC, that means I can use the non-legacy driver (and Wheezy package)


>    * The tag on the bottom of the computer identifies the WiFi device as 

Not important.

[I used to use Broadcom wireless, not necessarily this exact card, but
something similar. I haven't had a machine with one for years, but the
instructions are good, and they work when followed.]


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