On 08/18/2017 10:44 AM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 10:02:03 -0400 RavenLX <rave...@sitesplace.net>
I wonder if there's a replacement for VirtualBox? I need something
that will allow me to share a directory between host and virtual
machine, and to be able to go between both quickly (I don't have a
dual-screen system
- no room where I live for that). If I could find something that
would work I'd switch, I think. As for my friend, he would need far
more features I guess (I don't know what though).

Virtualbox has shared folders (directory) as well as shared Clipboard.
You just need to install Guest Additions in the Guest OS to enable it.
I use both all the time.

VB has a lot of other features.  Just read the manual.


I know, I use the shared folders and clipboard in VirtualBox all the time. But with the way Oracle seems to be going with things, what if someone wants to switch *away* from VirtualBox and use something else? What other VM systems have these same features (which I really need)?

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