Le duodi 2 fructidor, an CCXXV, Fungi4All a écrit :
> >> Unless you are willing to pay more than n s a sys tem d red hat and they 
> >> can
> >> become "your" lackeys.

> > Suggesting that the Debian developers who chose to use systemd did so
> > because they are corrupt and were payed by RedHat instead is libelous
> > and deeply insulting to them. I suggest you retract and apologize
> > immediately.

> I am at the stage of awaiting for jury for that one (as in Gene's signature 
> order).
> I am way beyond soap bubbles.  But don't take it personally, it is only 
> politics.

As far as I am concerned, the jury has already given its conclusions
about you both, and I have decided to never give you any help
whatsoever, unless you change your attitude dramatically. I suspect most
helpful contributors on this list have already silently decided the
same, or will do so soon if you continue insulting the Debian

Anyway, I have no hope that you will understand my position, I post it
to make it clear for other readers. No doubt you will answer this mail
with another useless stunt. Please go ahead.

  Nicolas George

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