On Sat, 2017-08-19 at 21:04 +0200, Jeff wrote:
> I have been using Cinnamon (from testing) for a couple of years with
> no
> problem until a couple of days ago, when suddenly the font size for
> most
> widgets increased. This is annoying, as certain lists in things like
> Thunderbird no longer fit on the page.
> I started playing with the fonts preferences in Cinnamon, to no
> avail. I
> could change all sorts of things about the panel font size, but not
> things like the size of the menus in the programs themselves. I
> wondered instead if the problem was with one of the themes in
> Cinnamon,
> but all the installed ones seem to have the same problem.
> I looked at the settings in /usr/share/cinnamon/theme/cinnamon.css,
> but
> wasn't able change the font size.
> I tend to update & upgrade every day, so I then looked through
> /var/log/dpkg.log for a recent upgrade that could be at fault.
> I downgraded libgtk-3-0, libgtk-3-common, libgail-3-0, gir1.2-gtk-
> 3.0,
> gtk-update-icon-cache, libgtk-3-bin to 3.22.17-1, which didn't help.
> I downgraded libwayland-client0, libwayland-cursor0 & libwayland-
> server0
> to 1.13.0-1, but that didn't help either.
> So I'm now out of ideas.
> Does anyone know where I should look next?
> Regards
> Jeff
> P.S. Please put me in cc, as I am not subscribed to the list.
If it's the same issue, (changed sunday 6th August) I think it was a
change in gsettings...something - it only bothered me using chromium
though, with huge fonts for the bookmark bar and top menu I worked
around this by starting chrome with 
/usr/bin/chromium %U --force-device-scale-factor=1.5
Maybe, if only Thunderbird is affected for you, there is a similar
setting for starting that?
Another work around is to alter your fonts to work with a program,
start the software and then alter them back so other programs work as
wanted too, harsh way to do it though. 

>From Chromiums old bug reports 
this was deemed to be the issue back in 2014:
"Use GtkSettings's gtk-xft-dpi property to convert Pango font
descriptions from points to pixels. Previously
PangoContext's default resolution, which is sometimes
(always?) unset, was used, resulting in 96 DPI being used
for conversions regardless of the value reported by X."

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