On 20.08.17 11:41, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Having a decent recipe for setting up my local network to ipv6, I'd feel 
> a lot more comfortable and capable of dealing with ipv6 when ipv6 is the 
> operating network on the other side of my router. 150 miles away is NOT 
> on the other side of my router...
> Where is the tut for doing that?

Dunno, gene. Still haven't migrated here, either. As long as we use
unroutable addresses on the LAN, they have zero need to be anything
other than IPv4. The modem/router can include the IPv4/IPv6 in its NAT,
so who cares, when there's no problem to solve?

Here in Oz we are adopting the country name of Slowvakia, as our
internet speeds are slower than Slovakia, and IPv6 isn't busting the
door down either.


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