> From: longwi...@yahoo.com
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>>On Mon, 9/4/17, Felix Miata <mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Wheezy support is scheduled to terminate less than 9 months from today.
>> Maybe now is a good time to consider at  least Jessie if not Stretch, since 
>> you"re
>> installing fresh.
>> Thanks!
> i have used debian for long time (since rex) all support i need comes from 
> this list
> i do not install security update and it not cause trouble for me
> and font in text mode in wheezy seems cool
> i have an wheezy in /dev/sda2
> and have installed iceweasel today

Not to mention that "upgrading" from wheezy to Devuan Jessie is even simpler 
from Jessie 8 to Jessie 1, since there is not so much Junk to remove.

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