On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 02:43:25 -0800, Scarletdown wrote:

> I finally fixed my XF86 problems at last.  It seems
> that all I had to 
> do to stop both the flickering and the crashing is
> lower the default 
> resolution and color depth.  Previously, I was running
> 1024x768 24-
> Bit color.  Changing to 800x600 16-Bit color seems to
> have done the 
> trick.  It's kind of a bummer not being able to use
> the higher 
> settings (since a 4MB S3 Virge should be able to
> handle it just 
> fine), but it is worth the trade-off, and both the
> GNOME and KDE 
> desktops look really nice now.  Perhaps one of these
> days I will 
> score a cheap used 8MB PCI video card at one of the
> thrift stores, 
> then I can give the higher resolutions another go.
> I also managed to get GDM configured and customized to
> my tastes, and 
> I went ahead and set it up so I could log in directly
> as root if I 
> feel like it.  I know that that is a security
> vulnerability, but this 
> is my experimentation platform.  And when and if I do
> start setting 
> up Debian systems for other people, I will of course
> configure them 
> so that they can only operate as root by logging in
> normally and then 
> using su to become root.  Heck, I'll be doing that for
> my primary 
> workstation as well.
> So much to still tweak now, it's hard to fecide what
> to work on next. 
>  Actually, I think the next thing I will do is get my
> Samba 
> configuration file properly set up.  She is visible on
> the LAN 
> already, but I still need to define some shares, and
> also set her up 
> so she automatically mounts shared folders on the
> LAN's other three 
> systems (currently Windows-98 all of them) at boot
> time.
> After that, I think it will be time to optimize her by
> deactivating 
> services she doesn't need to have running,
> uninstalling extraneous 
> packages, and installing packages I may have missed
> initially.
> Other plans for this system will include possibly
> trying to compile 
> the 2.4.22 kernel and then giving SE Linux a try (that
> is Security 
> Enhanced Linux, freely available from the NSA)
> http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/index.html
> Anyway, it's been a good evening, Linuxwise this time
> around.  Now I 
> can go to bed with the feeling that I have gained some
> major 
> experience points.  :)

You have a fair chance of gaining some unexpected experience points by
logging into X as root, unless you are unplugging all external network
devices first.  Not allowing root access to X is pretty much at the top of
my "never, ever do this under any circumstances" list.  There are several
ways in which you can get hurt, none of which I wish to advertise in an
open forum.


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