On 2017-09-09, Joel Roth <jo...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I'm dropping in late to say that running 'vimtutor' in a 
> terminal is an easy way to interactively get to know how vim
> works.

I use vim on a very rudimentary level, and on that very rudimentary
level it is easy. 'i' start writing; esc ":w" save that puppy.

I have a rudimentary (yes, I'm quite rudimentary) LaTex template that I
employ because I'm required to submit things in either rtf, doc, or pdf (I
use latex2rtf when I'm done).

Remember the typewriter? I'm sure you do. I recall Norman Mailer saying
once that he would hesitate to revise his work (written in long-hand,
then given to his secretary to be typed on the period's mechanical or
electromechanical device) more than a couple of times due to the tedium
it meant for the poor woman. I suppose now with more modern technology he
could keep working past that generously self-imposed limit.

But it's never finished, a creation--that's why the fundamentalists are
wrong. The world and its principles were never written in stone; they
are a work-in-progress. Halleluiah.

However we mortals must stop somewhere or we'd never complete anything. 

David Foster Wallace once remarked that he always wrote in long-hand
first (prior to word processing it) because he didn't want to blurt
things out. The pen imposes deliberation.

I'm always delighted to enter this forum and see you people devoting so
much of your energy to the big questions in life (although someone did
say the medium was the message).

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." Groucho

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