On 15-09-17, Peter Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> I have tried to change the behavior of the CapsLock key to make it an
> additional Escape key. In order to do this I read the advice on
> https://wiki.debian.org/Keyboard
> Specifically I did:
> I changed the file /etc/default/keyboard to:
> XKBLAYOUT="us,at"
> BACKSPACE="guess"
> XKBMODEL="pc105"
> XKBOPTIONS="caps:escape"
> Then I tried to execute the commands
> # service keyboard-setup restart
> and rebooting the the whole system. Nothing worked. After rebooting
> the CapsLock key behaved in exactly the same manner as before
> rebooting. It is still a CapsLock key.
> Maybe this is helpful:
> I use Debian Testing with Gnome.
> Does anyone have any tips on why this does not work? Or how to inform
> the Wiki team that this page contains wrong information?
> Best regards,
> Peter
> P.S.: I actually was able to change the keyboard layout later on by
> the Gnome Tweak tool, but nevertheless I do not unterstand why the
> official information does not work and it should be rectified.

In case of Gnome, use gnome tweak tool, typing, caps lock key behaviour.
Set it there and that's it.

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