Richard Hector, Fr 15 Sep 2017 04:44:41 CEST:

> When I read email from Brad Rogers and a few others, they contain a
> 'face' header (different from X-Face, which is also there).
> For whatever reason, Thunderbird always displays this header in the
> 'Normal' view - and it's huge, taking up about 17 lines. But in Normal
> view, no scrollbar is provided for the header section, so it expands to
> leave about 3 lines for reading the email.
> Oddly, I can work around this by switching to "All Headers" view, which
> gives me a scrollbar, lets me reduce the header section, and allows me
> to read the mail.
> Do other Thunderbird users see the same thing?

I don't.

Did you check that your Thunderbird isn't explicitly configured to show
this header? mailnews.headers.extraExpandedHeaders, for example, may
contain a list of header fields which should be displayed, and taking a
look at other mailnews.header.* options in TB's config editor might be a
good idea too.

Did you check that it's not caused by some installed add-on by starting
TB in safe mode?


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